
major design
The water feature ended up as a fountain that the frogs will sit inside. I tried to find some source material for this aspect. My family are from the brooke park area and i remember it had what seemed like a huge round fountain. I was eight at the time so it may have been...
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The gatehouse uses a diffuse, specular, normal and also an illumination map for the windows. It turned out well and has a nice warm feel to it with the window glow and orange tinge.
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The gate house is based on the gate house at brooke park. Its the logically starting point for a park and the environment needs a structure amongst the trees and park elements. Its also an extension of the warden character and gives him a location/background. On a side note i don’t think i’ve ever modelled...
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The idea for the frogs comes from the frog chorus and creating interactive models that add some interesting sounds to the piece. I’ve been looking to use some fluid dynamics in a scene for some time too and having nice water effects just adds a lot to any environment. This uses the free fluvio system....
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There is still a bit to do on the texture side. This is based on ‘the walking dead’ game style but its not really working on this model. The lines will likely be removed when it comes time to start on the animation. All in all the final model closely resembles the spec in the...
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The trees are to be used multiple times in each scene. The models are simple but intended to allow for variation in the game engine as they will be used to propagate the scenes and plug holes in the environment.
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This is the completed owl model. It’ll more likely be the low poly version used in the actual build. The animation is simple enough. It flaps its wings and spins around. Its just intended to form a little interactive element in the final build.
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[videoembed type=”vimeo” ratio=”sixteen_by_nine” align=”aligncenter” width=”960″ url=”″ shadow=”yes” id=”video-0″] This video is a test of the procedural avatar and the users position controlling the sound. The pitch is defined by the users height leading to some interesting effects when combined with long echo and reverb. The user avatar is based on the procedural particle effects scripts...
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The idea with the owl is for a scene featuring a hollowed out tree where the owl lives and allow for some simple animation. Its not intended to fly, just blink, flap its wings and pop in and out. As a 3D model it’ll be simple to make from a sphere or cube. Having it...
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These are some interaction concepts for the second prototype scene. The first diagram is based on the flow between scenes. The second is based on the afforded interactions in a scene. Its really just triggering events based on the users position. Each user is assigned a collider and each event is a collider. When the...
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