
May 2013
[videoembed type=”vimeo” ratio=”sixteen_by_nine” align=”aligncenter” width=”960″ url=”″ shadow=”yes” id=”video-0″] The above video provides a demonstration of the moonlight park installation. It is intended to be projected in a space and anyone who walks past is pops up on the screen where they can interact with the environment. The video is standard definition for this week. Didn’t...
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The above image shows how the environment is composed. A lot of assets and a lot of time was spent on achieving the optimal view of each scene. The easy part was that camera doesn’t move so i could just focus on making each scene look goo from that view. There are a lot of...
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As the project went along i had just been piling assets in the engine, testing plugins and upgrading zigfu drivers/bindings. Basically i had a complete mess in the project folder and when your about to begin putting the whole thing together its not ideal. The main concern at that stage was the workflow. It would...
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The above diagram shows how the room space was measured to correspond to vector3 co-ordinates in unity. This is essential to working out how people can interact with objects and putting down markers you can snap objects to makes a big difference.
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I have been looking at some other control systems. The ‘leap motion’ looks great and I was going to get the pre-order but wouldn’t have any time to dedicate to it at the minute. It looks good though from what i’ve seen of it with unity. I think with these kind of systems at the...
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Skeleton tracking was an aim of the project. I had been using the pre 2013 version of zigfu and was attempting to use it throughout. Mainly as i had it installed before it was updated and became pay for to remove the water mark. In the previous version its easy to do skeleton tracking but...
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Forgot to post this earlier. The walls are based on the walls from brooke park. I had a bit of decision making regarding the diffuse texturing. There was a point where everything was going to have a painted effect but with normal and specular. In the end the i thought it just looks better in...
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I had been really struggling to name the project and as it went on it was becoming a bit of an issue as it needs a central theme to hold it together. The moon grew on me so much it ended up as the title character. Its set at night time and has a magical...
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You might have noticed the large moon in the background. Theres wasn’t much rhyme or reason to it. I just wanted a big moon and didn’t want to use a skybox. I’m not really a big fan of how a basic skybox looks. It does the job but in this day and age it really...
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